Friday, 31 August 2018

Year 2

Hello everyone, I hope you had a wonderful fun summer.
Firstly sincere apologies for my final blog for year 1, I did publish it but it somehow disappeared!
Mrs Wells and myself wish to thank you for your very generous gifts and kind words. I am so looking forward to teaching the children again next year. I have been into school and our new classroom which is very white, will be ready for Wednesday.

Here is an overview of the topics we will be covering this term.

English we will start with poetry, memorising and reciting poems.
Maths we will be counting and understanding numbers, using and applying mathematics along with learning shape and measurement.
Science we will be learning uses of everyday materials.
ICT the children will be practising the keyboard and using the internet.
History we will be learning the history of the school and Victorian schools. I am in the process of organising our first trip to the British Schools Museum in Hitchin for the end of October.
Geography will be next term but I will also link in with History as the topic is on the school and its surroundings-where do I live?
Art we will be experimenting with a variety of light and dark pencils and creating observational drawings of objects and the school.
Our PE timetable is:
Monday plimsolls only 11.00-11.30
Wednesday and Friday 1.15-2.15 full PE kit.
Show 'n' tell and spellings will not start until the following week and I will update the blog next Friday.
Enjoy the sunshine and I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday.
Mrs Beadle