Friday 19 July 2024

Dear Year two,

We wish to say a huge thank you, thank you, thank you for all our extremely generous gifts.

It has been an absolute pleasure teaching and watching your children progress and grow.

Have a fantastic summer 

Best wishes

Mrs Beadle, Mrs Alimadadi and Mrs Rexhaj

Friday 12 July 2024

 Happy Friday everyone!

The children had a very enjoyable day at Frinton on Sea and we were extremely lucky with the weather.

Please see below some of the photos taken.

Next week

In English, we will be looking and discussing various poems and the children will create a poem.

In maths, the children will be completing numerous problem solving calculations along with solving escape room questions in small groups.

In science, the children will continue to finish their writing and pictures on life cycles.

Events next week

Wednesday morning, we will be watching the Year 6 performance.

Thursday morning, will be Mrs Custis’s final assembly.

Friday morning, is the Year 6 leaving assembly.

Please remember we finish at 2pm on Friday.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all soon at the Summer Event.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday 5 July 2024

Good afternoon to all, where is the time going?

In English, the children have started to plan their explanation text on their chosen monster and next week they will write their explanation text including conjunctions, suffixes, adjectives and commas.

In maths, the children have finished their topic on position and direction and next week we will be carrying out problem solving activities to consolidate all topics.

In science, the children will describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the food chain.

In PSHE, we will be discussing the difference between girls and boys bodies. The children will learn the correct vocabulary for the body parts.

On Wednesday we are going on our school trip with Year 5 to Frinton-on-Sea. The children will need to arrive at school for 8.30 am and we aim to return at roughly 4.30pm. The children will need a packed lunch and bottle of water with them. They will need to be wearing sun cream for the day, and can be sent with additional sun cream if the weather requires it. They must also be dressed for the weather, so please send them in uniform, but with the additional clothing (such as raincoats/sunhats etc.) appropriate for the weather that is forecast at the time. Please also provide a towel for your child to use, subject to weather for paddling with an adult.

On Thursday it is transition day and the children will visit their new teacher in Year 3.

Spellings will be practised in class which will be all the common exception words for Year 2.

Have a great weekend and I hope the sun comes out!

From the Year 2 team. 

Friday 28 June 2024

Good afternoon,

It was lovely to see so many of you for parent consultations this week and discuss how fantastically your children have done this year.

The children had a fun time this afternoon at the Year 6 Apprentice, please see photos below.

Next week

English, our topic is explanations. We will be focusing our lessons on a monster robot, who comes to life.

Maths, the children will continue to learn the language of position and complete various activities on direction and shape patterns with turns.

Science, the children will identify how an animal is suited to its habitat and explain how living things in a habitat depend on each other.

PSHE, this week we have discuss what the children are looking forward to in Year 3.

ICT, the children will continue learning programming and will create and change a design.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – to, two, too, sea, see

Group 2 – there, they’re, their, quite, quiet, hear, be, bee, blue

Group 3 – sun, son, won, night, knight, blew, bear, bare

Have a fun weekend.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday 21 June 2024

Happy sunny Friday everyone!

The children thoroughly enjoyed sports day, please see below some photographs taken of the fun morning.

Next week

English – the children will finish planning and write their myth stories.

Maths – we start our new topic on position and direction.

Geography – continue discussing, what are the features of the Jurassic coast?

Science – to have a nature walk around the field and create bug hotels for mini-beasts.

Please could your children bring in an empty plastic bottle for their bug hotel.

PSHE – to recognise how their bodies have changed since a baby

RE- to discuss the Hindu creation story.

I look forward to seeing you for parent consultations on either Monday morning or Thursday evening to discuss your child’s success in Year 2.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – there, have, like, were

Group 2 – social, useful, recall, coral, label, animal

Group 3 – parcel, hospital, material, surgical


Wishing you a fun, sunny weekend.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday 14 June 2024

 Hello everyone!

This week the children have worked extremely hard on their Hokusai pictures and produced excellent detailed  paintings using powder and water paints.

In English, the children completed two KS1 reading papers which they enjoyed and believe it was to help me with my planning.

Next week, in English the children will create a myth story.

In maths, the children completed numerous practice SATS questions.

Next week, the children will complete the KS1 SATS papers ( the children are unaware of the tests,  I will tell them it is to support my planning for the remainder of the year).

Reminders for next week

Wednesday from 6.30 it is Talent Night.

Thursday is sports day - KS1 will start at 9.15am.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 - that, with, all, we

Group 2 - core, door, saucer, saw, born, straw

Group 3 - store, flooring, shawl, yawn, haunted

Have a great and hopefully sunny weekend,

From the Year 2 team.

Friday 7 June 2024

Happy Friday everyone! 

This week has flown by and the children have settled back quickly into the daily routine.

In English the children have written an apology letter to Pandora for opening her special box. They included adjectives, conjunctions and question marks in their writing.

In maths, the children have completed numerous activities using tally charts, block charts and pictograms.

In science, the children explored what is dead and alive, looking around the playground and classroom.

In geography, the children looked at the world atlas and we focused on the seas and oceans.

Next week

Science - the children will explore outside in the playground and identify living things in their habitats along with describing how different habitats provide basic needs.

English – the children will complete 2 comprehensions from previous SATS paper.

Maths – the children will be consolidating all previous topics and solve arithmetic calculations.

RE – the children will be investigating - who made the world?

PSHE – children will express how they feel when change happens, growing from young to old.

Art – recreate a Hokusai painting, discussing texture, shape and colour.

Geography - to discuss, what is the coast?

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – is, for, at, his, but

Group 2 – to, two, too, sea, see, here, be, bee, blue, sun, son, won

Group 3 – quite, quiet, hear, there, they’re, their, night, knight, blew

Over the next couple of weeks, the children will complete SATS papers on reading and maths. These are only to support my end of year assessments and will not be published as they are optional and not mandatory. The children will be unaware they are tests as I will explain they are to support my planning of lessons till the end of the year.

Wishing you all a fab and sunny weekend

From the Year 2 team.