Friday, 26 October 2018

We made it – half term is here!

It was lovely to meet you all this week and discuss your child’s progress and how well the children have settled into Year 2.

Throughout the week the children used their imagination and created very detailed finger and hand puppets using a variety of materials. Some of the children found the sewing a little tricky but I was pleased they all persevered and succeeded in sewing their puppet. The children used their puppets to create a story and storyboard along with performing this to the class. The children very much enjoyed expressing their creative imagination.

Home learning
Following on the topic of puppets. I would like the children to create a moving puppet of their choice. We have looked at lots of different ideas. The children will discuss their character and materials they have used to the class.
Date for the puppets to be in by is 15th November 2018.

Next term:

Maths – Handling data, calculating measuring and understanding shape along with knowing and using number facts.

English – Explanations, recount and calligrams.

Science – Materials.

Geography – Life in the city.

R.E. – Muslim prayer and action and festivals including Christmas.

D&T/Art – Weaving and preparing fruit and vegetables.

PSHE – Celebrating difference.

ICT – Communicating and collaborating online.

Group 1 – all, we, can, are, had.
Group 2 – great, break, steak, pretty, beautiful, after.

With the cold weather potentially coming soon, could you please make sure that any extra clothing that comes in (gloves, scarfs, hats, etc.) is clearly labelled.
Please could every child bring in a labelled water bottle.

Have a fantastic half term,
From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 19 October 2018


This week we have been focusing on celebrating difference. We have enjoyed sharing many stories which have promoted lots of positive discussion. The children created a wonderful class book on ‘This is me’. We also joined in the school art display which will be filmed with the drone on Monday morning.

The children have enjoyed the story of 'Handa's Surprise' we looked at the different fruits that are eaten in the story and the children created a bar chart with their favourite tropical fruit.

We looked at in detail animal print and the children produced amazing pictures shading in with pencils, which is displayed on the wall in the classroom.

Next week the children will create finger and hand puppets. They will explore, cut and join fabrics with simple techniques along with reflecting and  evaluating their work throughout the process. We will link this to English and the children will produce a storyboard and perform their story using their finger/hand puppets.

In maths we will be carrying out numerous activities to consolidate the topics covered within the first half term.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 – they, she, is, his, at.
Group 2 - cold, gold, kind, child, wild.

Have a great weekend,
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 12 October 2018

Good afternoon everyone, another fun productive week in Year 2.

In English, the children enjoyed creating their own version of Rapunzel. The children worked very hard on their stories which were very imaginative and fun to read.

In maths the children created their own number line from a roll of paper and placed the number cards accordingly. The children also learnt the signs < and > and find 1 and 10 more or less using the 100-square from any 2-digit number.

In science we discussed natural materials and the children created a collage in small groups using all the resources in the playground.

In history the children enjoyed learning and discussing life as a child in a Victorian school.

Celebrating differences - Next week in school we are holding a themed week around celebrating differences. It is also 'Black History Month' so our activities will be linked to these events. We have lots of exciting stories and activities planned which I am sure the children will share with you.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: that, this, then, them.
Group 2: because, climb, most, only, every, everybody, even.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 5 October 2018


Another very busy productive week in Year 2 and the time has flown by!

Thank you to all who have returned the parent consultation reply slip, if I could have all of those in ASAP that would be fantastic. I am allocating slots and I will try my very best to accommodate to all your needs. Should you not be able to attend the allocated slot, let me know and I will aim to find another day or time which could accommodate you.

Thank you to everyone who was able to bring in a food donation for harvest - you have donated to a great cause.

In English the children enjoyed performing Rapunzel and created detailed sentences including conjunctions and adjectives.
Next week, the children will write their own story of Rapunzel. The children will change the characters and setting along with including conjunctions and adjectives in their story.

In maths the children were very creative in their symmetry of 2D shapes and enjoyed learning about the properties and right angles.
Next week, the children will begin to mark numbers on a land-marked line, compare and order numbers using < and > signs and find 1 and 10 more or less using the 100-square from any 2-digit number.

In science we discussed heating materials from solid to liquid then liquid to solid.
Next week, we will carry out an investigation on heating materials and observe the changes.

Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1: leg, peg, jug, jet, jelly.
Group 2: bridge, sledge, badge, huge, strange, change.

Have a great weekend,
Mrs Beadle