Friday, 25 September 2020

Good afternoon Year 2.

We have had another very busy productive week in Year 2 and the time has flown by! The children all looked very smart today for their individual school photos.

In English the children enjoyed the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' they discussed the characters in detail using adjectives and wrote a character description.

In maths the children completed numerous problem-solving questions using arrays along with grouping and regrouping.

Next week

English - The traditional tale we will focus on is 'The Gingerbread Man'. The children will participate in discussion and collectively create a story board. They will role play the story in small groups modelling the vocabulary and repeated phrases. The children will write descriptive sentences and include a connective.

Maths – We will start our place value topic. Securing fluency to 20, regrouping, subtraction and place value. The children will be using number lines and the tens frame.

 RE - We will continue our lesson from last week on Christianity and the children will write in full sentences the meaning of the symbols including tree, water and light.

Art - The children will create an observational drawing.

 PSHE - The focus will be to work well and help others cooperatively.

 Science – The children will identify and name deciduous and evergreen trees.

History – The children will compare the school to Victorian times.


Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – of, it, was, you.

Group 2 – poor, floor, door, fine, mine, behind.


Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team

Friday, 18 September 2020

 Hello all, 

It has been a very busy and fun week. The children enjoyed reading and discussing the characters along with their features from Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs.

 In maths the children learnt the part whole bar model and arrays to solve one step problems involving multiplication and division.

Next week


The children will read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They will discuss how the story could end differently and write a character description.


We will continue our topic on multiplication and division, the children will solve numerous maths problems using different methods and resources.


The children will identify and name a variety of common wildflowers.


The children will write up their facts discussed last week on the history of Little Heath school.


We will continue our lesson from last week on Christianity and the children will write in full sentences the meaning of the symbols including water and light.


The children will draw the original entrance to the school using their shading skills taught from last week.


The focus will be to work well and help others cooperatively.


The children will be learning the keyboard and using word.


Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1: said, in, he, I.

Group 2: bear, bare, whole, hole, allowed, aloud, boy, buoy.

 Reminder on Friday morning your children will be having their individual photographs taken.

 Have a fun weekend and enjoy the sun, whilst it is still here!

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 11 September 2020

 Good afternoon, the children have settled very quickly into the routine of the classroom.


Please see below a brief insight of the topics and plans for this half term.



We will be learning about traditional tales. The children will be reading the stories, sequencing events, carrying out comprehension activities and writing their own stories. They will be interviewing characters from the stories so that they are able to discover how they feel and why they acted the way they did. We will use role play to tell stories and re-write story endings.



This week we have been sharing in equal and unequal groups. Next week we will begin multiplication. The children will learn the language of multiplication, that it is repeated addition and will calculate answers using concrete objects.

This will be followed by problem solving by using multiplication. We will be exploring scaling and patterns. Towards the end of this half-term the children will begin learning how to tell the time.



Our science topic is plants, which means we can carry out lots of field work outside. The children will be planting beans and keeping diaries of their growth and development. We will be identifying wild and cultivated plants and flowers. The field trips will help us to identify trees. The children will learn to label the parts of a plant and tree. They will learn about the condition’s plants need to enable them to thrive and grow.



 Our topic is the history of the school. We will read some old logbooks we have dating back to 1897 and compare the school to Victorian times.



Observational drawings.



Being me in my world. We will discuss children’s hopes and fears, recognise when they are worried and know who to ask for help along with how to work with others cooperatively and help others to learn.



Develop familiarity with computer and keyboard.



Expressing religious meaning. We will look at why light, water and a tree are an important religious symbol.


Spelling test will be on Friday mornings, the children can choose their group along with learning both groups if they want to.

 Group 1 – the, and, a, to.

Group 2 – sea, see, blue, blew, flour, flower, be, bee.


Wishing you all a great sunny weekend.

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 4 September 2020

Hello and welcome Year 2! The children have been amazing and are settling in extremely well. Next week, our lessons will be centred on a painting by Gauguin of 'The road to Tahiti'. The children will discuss and research the painting in detail and write their own story. In maths, the children will be solving problems involving multiplication and division by using objects, pictorial representations and arrays. The children have all received a reading book today. We have listened to your child read but only for a short time. Therefore, if you feel the level is too easy or difficult, please let me know accordingly. I will write a brief insight of the topics to be covered during the term along with starting spellings on next week's blog. Wishing you a relaxing weekend, Mrs Beadle