Friday, 26 March 2021

 Good afternoon everyone,

Wishing you all a very Happy Easter.

We hope you have a lovely couple of weeks relaxing and having fun.

I will update the blog before next term with an outline of the topics we will be covering.

We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 13th April.

From Mrs Beadle, Mrs Blatch and Miss Southwell.

Friday, 19 March 2021

 Happy Friday everyone!

 Please see below a photo of the children with their red noses for Children in Need.

The children have had a very productive week of learning and have settle very quickly back into the daily routine.

In English the children have been researching and learning lots of interesting facts about sharks, making lots of notes for their report next week.

In maths the children enjoyed recapping and learning the time.

Next week

English – to write a non-chronological report on sharks

Maths – to recap problems solving sums using remainders, shapes and fractions

Science – to complete numerous activities to consolidate the term topic on 'Animals including Humans'

D&T – to create moving Easter cards

RE- to learn and discuss Passover

Geography – to write about where you live

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – could, house, old, too.

Group 2 – action, fiction, section, nation, station, position.

Group 3 – solution, imagination, reception, multiplication.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Beadle




Friday, 12 March 2021

 Hello everyone, welcome back!

We have had a fantastic, fun week back, the children thoroughly enjoyed the science activities. We carried out lots of exciting experiments: fingerprinting, rockets, bubbles, ice, turning  butter into cream, putting a wooden skewer through a balloon (which was a bit scary!) and observing the changes when food colouring is added to different varieties of milk and water is added to skittles. The children was involved in lots of engaged learning and enjoyed the challenges.

The children very much enjoyed World Book Day, they looked amazing in their costumes, please see a few photos below.

Please see below an insight of the lessons for next week.

English - Our topic is on non-chronological report, we will be focusing our report on 'Sharks'.
Maths - Our topic is time, the children will learn to tell the time to: o'clock, half past, quarter past and to and 5 minute intervals.
Science - habitats (sharks)
Geography - looking a the local map of Potters Bar in detail.
RE - The Easter story.
ICT - research sharks.
Art - to create a colour wheel.

Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1 - can, are, up, had.
Group 2 - fly, flies, cry, cries, baby, babies, reply, replies.
Group 3 - story, stories, memory, memories.

Please can your children bring in their reading books regularly and please write a comment in their reading record.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Beadle