Friday, 17 December 2021

It's Christmas !!!

Thank you everyone for our wonderful gifts, it was extremely kind and generous of you.

Please see below photos taken on the dress rehearsal. It was such a shame the performances had to be cancelled but I’m sure you will enjoy watching the recording. The children did amazing, well done everyone!

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.


I will write a detailed blog of what the children will be covering in the New Year.


Thank you very much again and Merry Christmas,

 Mrs Beadle, Mrs Blatch, Miss Southwell and Ms Weller xxxx

Friday, 10 December 2021

Good afternoon, we have been busy rehearsing for the Christmas concert this week. The children are really enjoying performing and singing. They are very excited for you to come and see them next week.

Please see below pictures taken of the Christmas dinner.

Next week, the children will learn to write a calligram which will be centred around Christmas.

In maths we will be solving addition and subtraction problems using money.

Please see below pictures of the children in their fabulous Christmas jumpers.

Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team

Friday, 3 December 2021

 Hello everyone!

We have had a busy week rehearsing for the Christmas performance and the children have been practising their lines and songs.

In English, the children wrote their own recount on a toy they lost and included adverbs of time.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be carrying out the phonics assessments. Throughout the week we will be recap all the phonics phase sounds.

In maths, following on from last week’s lessons the children will be using inverse to find the missing numbers, using a variety of resources to problem solve to gain a deeper understanding.

In Geography, the children will describe where they live.

On Wednesday all the children will have a Christmas dinner and after they will have movie afternoon in the hall.


Monday is sharing assembly for the following children : Harry, Riley, Hugo, Grace, Louis and Atif.

Friday it is Christmas jumper day.

Thank you for all the donations for the Christmas hamper, we have filled 4 bags!

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team