Hello everyone!
The children have had a fun week
practising their lines and songs for the Christmas performance.
In English, the children created
a calligram centred on winter and included exciting adjectives.
In maths, the children used
cuisenaire rods, cherry and bar models to solve missing numbers using the
In science, the children
discovered what John Dunlop invented.
Next week
English - to write a Christmas
Maths - problem solving using
In the afternoons the children
will be rehearsing for their Christmas performance. On Tuesday you will be able
to order your tickets for the performance on ‘Prickly Hay’.
Home learning
KS1 workbooks the follow pages
to be completed and return to school by Thursday.
Maths - Adding page 8 and
subtracting page 9.
Comprehension - Vinay's diary
page 9 and Plum page 10.
Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1 – be, like, some, so.
Group 2 – one, won, hear, here,
sun, son, be, bee, see, sea.
Group 3 – bear, bare, new, knew.
On Wednesday
it is school Christmas Dinner, we are making this our Christmas Jumper Day as
well to help add to the atmosphere of the occasion. We make this into a bit of
an event by allowing the children to watch a film afterwards. Please do not
forget to make your contribution towards ‘Save the Children’ which is the
charity that Christmas Jumper Day supports.
Have a great
From the Year 2