Friday, 24 February 2023

Happy Friday!

In English, the children have enjoyed creating command sentences on what they should and should not do for their teacher; we had some very interesting ideas!

Next week, we will be practising for our class assembly, which is on Friday 10th March.

In maths, the children have been learning time: o’clock, quarter past, half past, quarter to and 5 minute intervals. Telling the time is quite a difficult process, please if possible could you regularly ask your child the time in order for them to build their confidence.

Please see below an insight of the topics that we will be covering this term, 


We will be reading the story ’15 things not to do with a puppy’. The children will learn commands, apostrophe for contraction and recap suffixes. The children will create a non-chronological report and look at a variety of poems.


Problem solving with addition and subtraction in a range of contexts, telling the time, doubling and halving and learn the 2, 5 and 10 times tables to help support multiplication calculations.


Animals including humans continued.


Where do I live?


Healthy me.


The Easter Story, Shabbat and Passover.


Create a PowerPoint on ‘How to care for a pet’ and learn how to use an iPad for recording.


Pablo Picasso, the children will research the artist and recreate one of the paintings using water paints.


On Thursday, it is World Book Day; the children can come in wearing their pyjamas along with their favourite book or in their characters costume if they have one.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – now, came, about, got

Group 2 – careful, careless, fearful, fearless, happy, happily

Group 3 – happiness, colour, colourful, colourless

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team


Friday, 10 February 2023

Happy Friday everyone!

Please see below home learning but please do not worry the due date is Friday 17th March.

Home Learning – the children can choose a country to research and write some facts on the following: their capital city, language, surrounding countries, someone famous, a famous landmark and any other facts if they wish to. I would like these to be displayed on the wall, therefore one A4 or A3 size would be perfect.

Please could their home learning be completed by Friday 17th March.

Wishing you all a great half-term.

Goodbye Esha, wishing you lots of fun in your new school.

From the Year 2 team

Friday, 3 February 2023

Hello everyone!

In English, the children enjoyed creating a detailed storyboard on the middle and ending of their story, based on ‘The Three Little Pigs’.

Next week, the children will write the middle and ending of their own version of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. They will change the characters and repeated phrases along with including conjunctions and exclamation marks. The children will also create an acrostic poem on 'The Great Fire of London'.

In D&T, our topic is on healthy food, on Monday the children will be creating fruit kebabs. (The children will not need to bring in any fruit for this lesson, the school will provide this)

In maths, the children will continue to learn new methods of grouping and regrouping to 10, subtracting 2-digit numbers.

In science, we will be discussing healthy eating and the children will create a healthy menu.

In history, the children learnt about Samuel Pepys and his diary. Next week, the children will complete a comprehension on ‘The Great Fire of London’.

If possible, please could the children complete the last two reading comprehensions - 

The selfish giant and Toad attach.

We will continue with the maths workbook after half term.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – dad, big, when, it’s.

Group 2 – wrist, write, written, wrote, wrong, writing.

Group 3 – wrapping, wreckage, wriggled, wristband.

On Tuesday, it is Safer Internet Day. We will be discussing how to stay safe on the internet and the children will be carrying out fun activities.

A reminder Thursday evening is the Valentine disco, for KS1 the time is 5.30 – 6.45pm.

Wishing you a fun weekend.

From the Year 2 team.