Friday, 16 February 2024

Happy half term and hooray the sun is shining!

The children looked fantastic with their crazy hair; I hope you enjoy the pictures below.

Please find below a brief outline of the topics the children will be covering over the next term.


We will be reading the story ’15 things not to do with a puppy’. The children will create posters of ideas of what not to do and should do for your teacher! The children will learn commands, apostrophe for contraction and recap suffixes.


Continuing our topic on multiplication and division then we will at start a new topic on length, height, capacity and temperature.


Animals including humans continued.


Life in the city.


Healthy me.


The Lord’s Prayer, The Easter Story, Shabbat and Passover.


Decoding, create a power point and record using an iPad.


Pablo Picasso, the children will research the artist and recreate one of the paintings by cutting shapes with coloured card.

Reminder – Great Fire of London workshop is on Wednesday 28th February. Please could the children dress up, here are some ideas:

Boys – plain t-shirt (with or without a collar) a belt or cord around the waist, plain waistcoat and flat cap (if you have one) and school trousers tucked in their socks.

Girls – plain white shirt with a collar, long plain skirt or dress (black, brown or dark blue), a plain waistcoat (if you have one), an apron or use a white pillowcase and for their head white material tied around their head to hide the hair.


Home Learning – the children can choose a country to research and write some facts on the following: their capital city, language, surrounding countries, someone famous, a famous landmark and any other facts if they wish to. An A4 or A3 size would be perfect, as I would like these to be displayed in the classroom.

Please could their home learning be completed by Friday 22nd March.

Wishing everyone one a fun and restful half term.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 9 February 2024

 Hello everyone!

We have had an extremely fun and productive week. The children finished their stories on their own version of The Enormous Turnip and also wrote detailed acrostic poems on The Great Fire of London.

Next week, the children will create calligrams on The Great Fire of London, which will be displayed in our class book.

In maths, the children have been learning grouping and repeated addition for multiplication.

Next week, the children will be learning arrays and solving problems using the 2 times tables and division.

Thank you very much Mrs Prime for visiting us this week and discussing how babies grow, the children very much enjoyed your visit and listening to their heart beat.

We visited Christ Church and the children carried out lots of fun activities.

The children also enjoyed creating and eating their fruit kebabs.

Spellings this week will be learning the Year 2 common exception words, these will be practised daily in the classroom.

Have a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 2 February 2024

Happy Friday!

In English the children have worked extremely hard planning their own version of the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip,‘ they have included different recurring language and changed the characters. The children have started to write the beginning of their story.

Next week, the children will finish their own version of ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and self-mark checking that they have change the characters and repeated phrases and included commas and exclamation marks. During the end of the week, we will discuss acrostic poems and create a poem on The Great Fire of London.

In maths, we finished our topic on money and have started learning grouping and ungrouping on multiplication and division.

Next week, we will be looking at arrays to solve multiplication calculations.

In D&T our topic is on healthy food, this Thursday the children will be creating fruit kebabs. (The children do not need to bring in any fruit for this lesson, the school will provide this)

On Tuesday, we are visiting Christ Church in Little Heath. We will be discussing and carrying out activities on what we can see inside a church.

Next week is mental health and wellbeing; we will be carrying out various activities along with activities for safer internet day.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – dad, big, when, it’s.

Group 2 – wrist, write, written, wrote, writing, wrong.

Group 3 – wrapping, wreckage, wriggled, wristband.

Please could you let me know if you can help out on either the morning or afternoon for our Great Fire of London day on Wednesday 28th February.

Wishing you a great weekend

From the Year 2 team