Friday, 28 September 2018

Hello all,

In English the children learnt a variety of versions of ‘Rapunzel’ they described the scene of the tower and forest and created a storyboard.

Next week, the children will write a series of discrete sentences that contain adjectives to describe the setting along with including commas and conjunctions. They will learn to convert present tense verbs into the past tense. They will finish the week writing a recount in first person and past tense.

In maths the children learnt to recite their number bonds to 20 and through various activities they looked at the pattern to bridge the number to 10 or 20, then add on until they reached their answer.

Next week, the topic is 2D shapes the children will be identifying and classifying 2D shapes, using a variety of sorting devices. The children will create Venn and Carroll diagrams in addition to investigating which shape tessellates.

In history the children very much enjoyed listening to Mr Berridge and learning how different Little Heath school was over 50 years ago. They were particularly shocked that the boys had to go to the toilet outside in a hut!

Next week, the children will research life as a child in a Victorian school.

In art the children drew the outside of the original entrance of Little Heath school, this is in the KS1 playground.

Next week, the children will begin to create an observational drawing of the school and include detail by shading.

In science the children experimented with a variety of objects, they altered the material objects by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching. They explored the materials making observations and simple comparisons.

Next week, the children will learn that materials often change when they are heated.

Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1: said, in, he, I.
Group 2: poor, floor, door, find, mind, behind.

A reminder that Monday morning is individual pupil photographs.

Unfortunately, due to the continued building work, there will be no Harvest Festival celebration this year, but the school is joining in with a food collection in conjunction with Dame Alice Owen School. Donations of non-perishable food items (tins etc) are welcome, which will be donated to a local charity.

Have a great weekend,
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 21 September 2018

Hello everyone, the children have worked very hard this week and I am so proud of them, they may be a little tired tonight.

In English the children enjoyed learning and reciting list poems and created a class book with their own poems in along with a poem on ‘Things I did lately’.

Next week, we will start our topic on traditional tales. We will start with the story of Rapunzel. The children will be able to recognise the good and bad characters, make comparisons from exploring a modern version of Rapunzel and retell the story including performing. 

In maths the children learnt number bonds to 20 and created word problems to consolidate their learning.

Next week, the children will continue to look at number patterns to solve more difficult additions and subtractions and double numbers to 15.

In history Mr Berridge (ex caretaker and currently lunchtime supervisor of Little Heath) will visit the class to give the children an insight of how schooling was when he was at this school as a little boy, the lessons taught and how the building and classes have changed.

In science we will continue to research use of everyday materials.

In ICT the children have been practising their keyboard skills and getting familiar with the layout of the keyboard using Microsoft word and we will repeat this lesson  next week.

In art the children will be sketching the outside of the school. First we will do an observation walk around the school and then the children will learn how to  shade using a variety of pencils.

In PSHE we will continue our topic on ‘being me in my world’ focusing on making the class a safe and fair place.

In religious education the children have been learning and exploring why light, a tree and water in Christianity is such an important symbol. Next week we will explore the important symbols in Judaism.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: the, and, a, to.
Group 2: bear, bare
               bee, be
               whole, hole
The children know their group and they can learn both sets of spellings if they would like to.

Book Fayre will be open for children to purchase books on Thursday and Friday after school in the dining hall.

Wishing you a relaxing, fun weekend.
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 14 September 2018

Good afternoon, we have had a busy full week back.

This week in English, the children have enjoyed learning a range of list poems. They created their own list poem on Autumn along with performing in groups to the class with wonderful actions.

Next week, we will continue our topic on poetry. The children will learn two poems ‘Things I have been doing lately’ by Alan Ahlberg and ‘Tell me mama’ by John Lyons. We will discuss in detail the layout and vocabulary. The children will compose a list using commas and record questions using capital letters and question marks. Throughout the week we will be also concentrating on handwriting. The children will create a poem and write in their best handwriting for our class book which will be displayed in our reading corner.

In maths, the children used a variety of resources estimating and ordering numbers.

Next week, we will start with re visiting number bonds to 6,7,8,9 and 10 and begin to learn related subtraction facts, we will also learn all the number bonds to 20.

In history we were very lucky to be provided with a log book which was from Little Heath school in 1898. The children enjoyed listening to the notes recorded by the secretary and we all commented on how so many children did not attend school due to illness whooping cough, measles and how different some of the lessons were.

Next week, we will be researching what schooling was like when our school was built.

In science, the children looked at and discussed a variety of materials.

Next week, we will be discussing that some materials occur naturally, and some do not. The children will distinguish between the material and the object made from it.

Spellings for Friday are:
sea, see
blue, blew
flour, flower
The children will be practising these spellings throughout the week during morning work.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 7 September 2018

Good morning and welcome back, the children have settled in extremely well into their new bright classroom.

Next week in English the children will be starting out poetry topic for 2 weeks this will be on list poems. We will start with reading a variety of list poems looking at the layout, vocabulary and understanding the meaning of the poems. The children will choose to read two poems with fluency, reading clearly and loudly and in small groups they will perform their poem. 

Next week in maths the children will be: estimating and counting a number of objects up to 100, locating numbers on the bead lines and 100 square, comparing numbers and find the numbers in between, order three numbers and order 2 digit numbers.

In science we will be start our topic on everyday materials, next week the children will be observing and discussing the use of everyday materials.

In history we will be comparing schools in the past and present.
The trip I wish to organise to the British Schools Museum in Hitchin will cost approximately £18.50 (the majority is the cost of the coach) please let me know if you feel this is too expensive.

Please could your children bring in tracksuits and trainers for PE as the weather is starting to get colder.

Show 'n' tell will be on Friday afternoons, GREEN book bags will start. 
The order will be Green, Yellow, Red and Blue.

Spellings will start next week.

Have a great sunny weekend,
Mrs Beadle