Good afternoon, we have had a busy full week back.
This week in English, the children have enjoyed learning a
range of list poems. They created their own list poem on Autumn along with
performing in groups to the class with wonderful actions.
Next week, we will continue our topic on poetry. The
children will learn two poems ‘Things I have been doing lately’ by Alan Ahlberg
and ‘Tell me mama’ by John Lyons. We will discuss in detail the layout and
vocabulary. The children will compose a list using commas and record questions
using capital letters and question marks. Throughout the week we will be also
concentrating on handwriting. The children will create a poem and write in
their best handwriting for our class book which will be displayed in our reading corner.
In maths, the children used a variety of resources
estimating and ordering numbers.
Next week, we will start with re visiting number bonds to
6,7,8,9 and 10 and begin to learn related subtraction facts, we will also learn
all the number bonds to 20.
In history we were very lucky to be provided with a log book
which was from Little Heath school in 1898. The children enjoyed listening to
the notes recorded by the secretary and we all commented on how so many
children did not attend school due to illness whooping cough, measles and how different
some of the lessons were.
Next week, we will be researching what schooling was like
when our school was built.
In science, the children looked at and discussed a variety
of materials.
Next week, we will be discussing that some materials occur naturally,
and some do not. The children will distinguish between the material and the
object made from it.
Spellings for Friday are:
sea, see
blue, blew
flour, flower
The children will be practising these spellings throughout the week during morning work.
Spellings for Friday are:
sea, see
blue, blew
flour, flower
The children will be practising these spellings throughout the week during morning work.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle