Hello, we have had a very busy fun week. The children enjoyed
wearing odd socks on Monday for Anti-Bullying and bringing their teddies in
today for Children in Need.
In English, the children wrote an explanation on how to make
a bicycle move and what is a bicycle. They drew a detailed picture of a bicycle
and included a flow chart.
Next week, the children will be practising their lines and
songs for the Christmas show along with starting to perform with expression.
In maths, the children completed sums on addition and
subtraction using a variety of resources and looking at different methods used
to find the answers.
Next week, the children will be using a variety of vocabulary
associated with position and movement. Towards the end of the week the children
will compare measurements of lengths using centimetres and metres.
Our class trip is on Tuesday.
Children will wear their school uniform and we will be having our lunch at the
museum so please could your child bring in a labelled pack lunch.
Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1: out, there, this, have
Group 2: father, class, pass, plant, path, bath
Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle