Friday, 7 December 2018

Good afternoon, we have been busy rehearsing for the Christmas concert this week. The children are really enjoying performing and singing. They are very excited for you to come and see them next week.

In maths the children used a variety of resources to support their learning and enjoyed navigating the beebots around the classroom.

Next week, the children we will be recapping all topics taught this term to consolidate their learning.

In English the children created their own version of a personal recount on their favourite lost toy.

Next week, the children will learn to write a calligram which will be centred around Christmas.

I am going to give you a list of changes to the timetable so that you can see what is going to happen over the next 2 weeks.

Sunday 9th Dec     Christmas fayre
Tuesday 11th Dec      Performance to the parents 9.30am
Wednesday 12th Dec   Performance to the parents 1.30pm
                                          Open afternoon for parents 3-4.30pm.
Parents who are at the performance can come straight to the classroom after the show to look at their child’s work and then they can take their child home.
Thursday 12th Dec      Christmas dinner followed by a movie in the hall
Friday 14th Dec            Christmas jumper day
Tuesday 18th Dec       Christmas party 1.30pm
Wednesday 19th Dec  Panto 9.30am

As you can see it is going to be very busy but lots of fun.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: as, no, mum, one.
Group 2: no, know, new, knew, night, knight, not, knot.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle