Monday, 15 April 2019

Hello, I hope your having a wonderful break, below is an insight of the topics we will be covering next term.

In English, the first week back the children will write about their chosen special day during the holidays. During the term the children will focus on punctuation and vocabulary along with instructions centred on how to plant seeds, we will also start out topic on Myths.

In maths, we will start out topic on fractions-finding halves, quarters and thirds of amounts, shapes and quantities. During the term the children will tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and learn the properties, symmetry of 2-D  and 3-D shapes.

In science, our topic is plants. The children will plant seeds and bulbs and monitor their growth in detail.

In history, our topic is Florence Nightingale.

In RE we will start with showing care and concern. The children will be involved with discussion on how faith stories guide people and how we live together when we are all different.

In D&T our topic is mechanisms; wheels and axles. The children will create a moving vehicle.

In PSHE our topic is relationships. The children will discuss how to make friends, solve friendship problems and respect each other.

Enjoy the rest of your holidays,
Mrs Beadle