Friday, 7 June 2019

Hello Year two,

This week the children enjoyed reading about Monsters in English and recorded an explanation of the cat’s journey from the monster’s mouth to his stomach.

Next week, the children will select a monster and write their own explanation text on their owner’s guide on playing with pets including cleaning and taking care of them.

In maths the children created arrays on multiplication and division.
Next week, the children will learn the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes along with identifying and classifying shapes into Venn and Carroll diagrams.

In history the children wrote notes on Florence Nightingale and next week they will write these into full sentences.

In D&T the children finished their moving vehicles and enjoyed having a race on the ramps in the foundation unit. Next week, will start our topic on the Japanese artist ‘Hokusai’.

In science the children explored and compared the differences between things that are living and dead. Next week, the children will identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitat.

On Tuesday the whole school is lucky to have a trip to Manor Lodge to watch a production during the morning.

On Thursday evening is the talent show, good luck to everyone who is attending.

Spellings for next week are:
Group 1: asked, saw, make, an.
Group 2: there, they’re, their
                 to, two, too
                 sea, see, here
                 quite, quiet, hear
                 Bear, bare, one
Have a great weekend and I hope the weather cheers up for the Potters Bar Carnival on Sunday.
Mrs Beadle