Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Dear Year two,

We wish to say a huge thank you, thank you, thank you for all our extremely generous gifts.
It has been an absolute pleasure teaching and watching your children progress and grow.

Have a fantastic summer 
Best wishes
Mrs Beadle, Mrs Fordham and Miss Southwell

Friday, 19 July 2019

Hello Year Two, we have had a busy week completing our projects.

The children worked very hard designing and decorating their clay pots, please see photos below.

This morning the children watched the Year Six performance this morning and returned full of excitement! They thought it was a brilliant show!

Next Week

On Monday morning the children will be cooking biscuits and then watching the staff play a game of rounders against the Year Six children.

On Tuesday we will be attending The Year Six Leaving Assembly. School finishes at 2pm.
The ending of the day will be different because we will be part of a parade to 'send off' the children in Year Six. You will need to collect the children from the front entrance. As there will be many parents at this point I will bring the children to the cherry tree/bench for collection. Please wait at this point for your children to come to you.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 12 July 2019

Hello to all!

We have had another great week. I cannot believe we are onto the final week next week! The time has flown by! It was lovely to see so many of you for parent consultations this week and discuss how fantastically your children have done this year.

Next week

Maths- Understanding 3-digit numbers.

English- Poetry centred on the ocean.

Art- We will be creating our art display for next year which is about plastic in the ocean and recycling. Please could the children bring in plastic to help build this display.

History- Mary Seacole

Spellings- consolidating the Year 2 common words in class.

On Friday morning the children will watch the Year 6 performance.

Have a fun weekend
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 5 July 2019

Good afternoon to all,

The children have enjoyed planning their myth story and next week they will write their story including adjectives and a variety of punctuation.

In maths the children carried out fun activities on following directions and next week they will continue this topic and include problem solving with addition.

Next week

History - the children will identify similarities and differences between medical care now and in Victorian times.

Art – the children will paint their chosen Hokusai with water paints.

Next Tuesday afternoon (during school) Year 6 are running the Apprentice. This is an afternoon where they run food, drink, goods and game stalls in the hope to raise the most money for charity. All classes attend this event so if you could send your child in with some money to buy the products. 

There are no spellings this week as on Monday I will carry out a spelling test on all the common exception words for Year 2, which we have previously covered.

Enjoy the sunshine and have a fun weekend,
Mrs Beadle