Friday, 19 July 2019

Hello Year Two, we have had a busy week completing our projects.

The children worked very hard designing and decorating their clay pots, please see photos below.

This morning the children watched the Year Six performance this morning and returned full of excitement! They thought it was a brilliant show!

Next Week

On Monday morning the children will be cooking biscuits and then watching the staff play a game of rounders against the Year Six children.

On Tuesday we will be attending The Year Six Leaving Assembly. School finishes at 2pm.
The ending of the day will be different because we will be part of a parade to 'send off' the children in Year Six. You will need to collect the children from the front entrance. As there will be many parents at this point I will bring the children to the cherry tree/bench for collection. Please wait at this point for your children to come to you.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Beadle