The children sang their songs beautifully and we have raised lots of money for the Water Aid.
On Tuesday, we had a wonderful time at the British Museum in Hitchin.
The children were extremely well behaved and enjoyed the role play acting as Victorian children.
Please see photos taken below.
Next week
English - the children will create their own version of Handa's Surprise.
Maths - the children will be regrouping numbers in different ways using a variety of methods.
Science - we will be making comparisons when materials are heated up.
D&T - we will start our topic on making puppets.
RE - we will look at why light an water is an important Jewish symbol.
History - the children will write a recount following their trip.
Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1: for, at, his, but.
Group 2: because, climb, most, only, every, everybody, even.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Beadle