Friday, 22 May 2020

Hello to everyone,

I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine, this weather definitely helps to lift our spirits up.

I have included a website from the Woodland trust as it has lots of outdoor activities which I think the children will enjoy, especially as the weather for next week looks good.

Wishing you a fun half term and take care,
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 15 May 2020

Hello, Year 2!

It was great to see so many of you on the zoom meeting Wednesday afternoon; I feel having smaller groups was better so that everyone can talk and discuss what they have been doing, if they want to and show their amazing creative work. I will carryout another zoom meeting this Wednesday afternoon and email you the details on Sunday.

I hope you are enjoying the Florence Nightingale project; this will continue into next week’s learning. If you have nearly finished, I would like you to discover another special nurse called Mary Seacole who you might like to research. On the learning page will be a power point and websites to assist with this along with some activities.

Please all continue to keep safe and well, have a lovely weekend the weather seems to be improving again😊
Mrs Beadle

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.

It was lovely seeing everyone on our zoom catch up on Thursday.

Next week, we will be having another catch up meeting on Zoom, but this time, I will do smaller groups of 6. The meeting will be up to 15 minutes and so everyone will have more of an opportunity to speak if you would like to. It will be some time on Wednesday afternoon and I will email you the details giving the exact time of your group early next week.

When you look at the class page on Monday, you will see next week is slightly different as we are linking our English, history and art learning into a project. You still have your daily maths tasks to complete and please also login to Mathseeds or Mathletics and complete some activities.

Below is another story of The Princess and the Pea. I hope you enjoy the story and I have a couple of ideas you may like to do in relation to the story.
  • Create a storyboard
  • Write your own short story changing the pea to another object or changing the hiding place
  • Design a wedding dress for the Princess
Have a great sunny weekend, take care and I look forward to seeing your wonderful work.

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 1 May 2020

Hello everyone in Year 2, I hope you are all well.

It has been lovely receiving your emails showing me your fabulous work. It has also been great to see some of you whilst walking Max and hearing how you are enjoying the work set, especially learning about Florence Nightingale.

Please do not worry if you are finding it difficult to complete all the work, being healthy and having fun are the  most important things during this strange time.

Below is a story I have read to yourselves to watch and I chose this particular book as I know it is one of your favourites. I hope you enjoy listening to it and at the end I have set a little activity to draw your own picture of a terrible woodland creature.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and the sun returns very soon!

Take care everyone
Mrs Beadle