Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.
It was lovely seeing everyone on our zoom catch up on Thursday.
Next week, we will be having another catch up meeting on Zoom, but this time, I will do smaller groups of 6. The meeting will be up to 15 minutes and so everyone will have more of an opportunity to speak if you would like to. It will be some time on Wednesday afternoon and I will email you the details giving the exact time of your group early next week.
When you look at the class page on Monday, you will see next week is slightly different as we are linking our English, history and art learning into a project. You still have your daily maths tasks to complete and please also login to Mathseeds or Mathletics and complete some activities.
Below is another story of The Princess and the Pea. I hope you enjoy the story and I have a couple of ideas you may like to do in relation to the story.
- Create a storyboard
- Write your own short story changing the pea to another object or changing the hiding place
- Design a wedding dress for the Princess
Mrs Beadle