Friday, 28 May 2021

 Happy Friday!

Wow, this half –term has flown by; the children have worked extremely hard – well done everyone!

 Throughout the week the children have had fun completing numerous English comprehensions, grammar/spelling and maths questions along with finishing their moving vehicles and racing them.

 Please see below a brief insight of the topics we will be covering next term.


Explanations, children will create an explanation text on playing with pets.

Myths, children will create an ending from the story ‘Boy with wings’ and write a letter in first person centred on ‘Pandora's Box’.

Poetry, children will create a nature poem.



Multiplication and division, geometry, symmetry, problem solving, angles and place value.



Living things and their habitats.



Famous people.



Japanese artist ‘Hokusai’.



Changing me.



Exploring religions within the community and researching, who made the world.



Recording using the iPad, keyboard skills and decoding.


Reminder – Year 2 scooter training will be on Wednesday 9th June, please ensure your child brings in a scooter or please arrange for your child to be able to share/borrow one.


Wishing you all a wonderful break, have fun and enjoy the warm weather.

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 21 May 2021

 Happy Friday everyone!

Where is the time going? Only one more week until May half-term, I hope the weather changes!

The children have enjoyed writing instructions for their chosen animal using adverbs of time, adjectives and conjunctions.

In maths the children completed numerous maths activities learning different strategies to solve problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Next week, we will finish our topics and focus on working through the KS1 workbooks on comprehension, spelling, grammar and maths along with finishing and racing our moving vehicles.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 - for, his, with, all

Group 2 - sandal, local, novel, travel, until, pupil

Group 3 - fuel, article, material, animal, fossil.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 14 May 2021

Good afternoon to all!

The children have had another busy, fun week of learning.

Maths Home Learning 

Today I have given the children their log-in details which are in their book bags for TT Rockstars. This is a website that allows children to practice their times tables. Please use this website for their maths home learning. Alongside TT rockstars there is also a website called Numbots which allows children to understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.

Links to the website are below. 

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

Numbots Game

Next weeks’ lessons and topics are:

English – to write instructions using command form of verbs

Maths – problem solving using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Science – to complete their sunflower booklets and learn how water and nutrients are transported around plants

History – to identify similarities and differences between medical care now and in Victorian times

PSHE – to discuss trust and appreciation in relationships

D&T – to build the chassis and axle for their moving vehicle

RE – to discuss why we need rules

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – was, you, they, on, she

Group 2 – word, work, worm, world, worth, wheel

Group 3 – worse, wriggled, winner, worthless

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 7 May 2021

Good afternoon everybody!

In English, the children have enjoyed planning in detail their story of ‘An animal adventure’. We have revisited verbs, adverbs, adjectives and speech marks to include in their story which they will write next week. We will also start our next topic on ‘instructions’ using adverbs of time.

In maths the children have learnt fractions using bar models, shapes, cubes and Cuisenaire rods. We will continue our topic on fractions and the children will learn fractions of length, capacity and time.

Next week

History – to find out about Florence Nightingale’s later life

RE – to explore a Christian charity that focusses on justice and fairness

Science – to write instructions and sequence how to plant seeds and bulbs

PSHE – to discuss secrets

D&T – to decorate the painted boxes for their moving vehicles

ICT - decoding

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – in, he, I, of, it.

Group 2 – illness, sadness, kindness, enjoyment, payment, amazement.

Group 3 – quietness, closeness, measurement, entertainment.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Beadle