Friday, 14 May 2021

Good afternoon to all!

The children have had another busy, fun week of learning.

Maths Home Learning 

Today I have given the children their log-in details which are in their book bags for TT Rockstars. This is a website that allows children to practice their times tables. Please use this website for their maths home learning. Alongside TT rockstars there is also a website called Numbots which allows children to understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.

Links to the website are below. 

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

Numbots Game

Next weeks’ lessons and topics are:

English – to write instructions using command form of verbs

Maths – problem solving using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Science – to complete their sunflower booklets and learn how water and nutrients are transported around plants

History – to identify similarities and differences between medical care now and in Victorian times

PSHE – to discuss trust and appreciation in relationships

D&T – to build the chassis and axle for their moving vehicle

RE – to discuss why we need rules

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – was, you, they, on, she

Group 2 – word, work, worm, world, worth, wheel

Group 3 – worse, wriggled, winner, worthless

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Beadle