Good afternoon everyone!
In English the children role played the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip‘ and practised the recurring language, we also discussed the punctuation in the story. They created a detailed storyboard and sequenced the story.
Next week, the children will write their own version of ‘The Enormous Turnip’. They will change the characters and repeated phrases and they will include commas and exclamation marks.
In D&T our topic is on healthy food, this Thursday the children will be creating fruit kebabs. (The children do not need to bring in any fruit for this lesson, the school will provide this)
In maths, the children will continue to learn new methods of grouping
and regrouping to 10, subtracting 2-digit numbers.
In science the children will think about their mission to Mars and they will make suggestions about items they would take with them on their trip.
In history the children will be discovering and learning about Samuel Pepys and
his diary.
The majority of children have brought home some CGP books, if possible please could the children complete the following pages and return the book by Wednesday, we will go through the answers every Friday as a class.
Number and Place Value pages 1 and 2
English Comprehension
How to grow a seed page 1
Making Lemonade page 2
English Grammar
Nouns pages 2 and 3
Wishing you a great weekend
From the Year 2 team