Friday, 21 January 2022

Good afternoon to all!

The children have had a very productive week in English planning their own version of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. They have worked very hard checking they have changed the characters and repeated phrases, including commas, adjectives and exclamation marks.

Next week, in English the children will write their stories and we will be continuing our topic on recurring language. We will be looking at the story The Enormous Turnip.

In maths, the children learnt about pictograms, tally charts, tables and totaling and comparing amounts in block graphs. The children discussed the graphs in detail and asked and answered questions to consolidate their learning.

Next week, the children will be solving problems with addition and subtraction, applying their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods by using place value and number facts to solve problems with addition and subtraction.

 In science, the children described and drew a picture of how an animal changes as it grows.

Next week, they will name and describe how humans change as they grow.

 In art, the children drew and shaded in a very detailed insect for the art display.

Next week, we will be discussing healthy eating and the children will draw a detailed fruit kebab.

 In history, the children learnt the events of the Great Fire and next week the children will find out why the fire spread so quickly and stayed alight for so long.


Please can the children bring in their reading books every day so we can change their books more regularly.

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team