Good afternoon everyone, the week has just flown by!
In English the children enjoyed performing Rapunzel and compared the original story to the modern version.
Next week, the children will write their own version of Rapunzel. The
children will change the characters and setting along with including
conjunctions and adjectives in their story.
In maths the children used a variety of resources and applied different strategies learnt to solve their sums.
Next week, the children will be regrouping tens and ones using objects,
tens frames and coins along with exploring odd and even numbers.
In art, the children will draw the original entrance of the school using their shading skills.
Tuesday we are on our class trip to Hitchin British schools museum, which the children are very excited about. Please could your child bring in a pack lunch (please remember we are a nut free school and no fizzy drinks, thank you).
Thursday is poetry
day centred on the environment and the children will produce an acrostic poem.
Friday is Harvest
Festival and our slot is 9.30-10.00, we look forward to seeing you all.
Spellings for
Friday are:
Group 1 – of, it,
was, you
Group 2 – poor,
floor, door, fine, mine, behind
Group 3 – because,
after, when, that, children.
The children have
been given a paper plate and card hands to create a clock.
Please could you
support your children in telling the time to the o’clock, quarter past, half
past and quarter to.
Please could the
clocks be returned by 18th October.
The children can
use any materials to create their clock, they do not have to use the resources
that were sent home with them.
Have a great weekend
From the Year 2 team.