Hello all!
We have had a fun week practising the lines for our Christmas show in our English lessons; the children are starting to build up pace and use expression.
In maths we completed numerous activities to find the nearest multiple to 10 and explain the difference.
In geography the children enjoyed learning about the features of the UK and they also research extra facts in ICT.
Next Week
English – We will be creating a poem calligram centred on seasons.
Maths – We will be identifying parts and whole numbers using Cuisenaire
rods and cherry models, along with using inverse to find the missing numbers.
During the afternoons, the children will be
practising for their Christmas show.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 – went, was, said, are
Group 2 – race, ice, once, settle, site, city
Group 3 – circle, celery, cycle, Cinderella, face
KS1 workbooks, the following pages to be completed
and books returned please by Thursday.
Maths – Adding – pages 6 and 7.
Comprehension – Pippa’s star page 7 and Amy Johnson on page 8.
Have a great weekend,
From the Year 2 team.