Friday, 4 November 2022

Hello to all!

This week in English the children learnt how to write a recount on when they had lost their favourite toy using adverbs of time.

Next week, we will research explanation text. We will look at a variety of texts and discuss the layout and present tense. The children will create their own explanation text on, how to work a pencil sharpener.

In maths the children carried out various activities to develop a good understanding on place value and ordering numbers using coins, bead strings, 100 square and base 10.

Next week, the children will place numbers on a number line in the correct position along with estimating. We will also solve sums adding more than 2 single digit numbers using reordering.

 Next week

Geography - the children will learn the counties and capital cities of the United Kingdom.

 Science – we will be looking at absorbent materials.

 RE – to learn about how Hanukah is celebrated.

 D&T – start to create a Christmas stocking puppet.

The children have in their book bags KS1 maths and comprehension books.

Please could the children complete the following pages only and return the books by Thursday so we can mark the questions together. (If your child finds this difficult please do not worry as we will go through the pages together to consolidate their learning).

Maths - number and place value pages 1 and 2.

Comprehension – How to grow a seed and Making lemonade.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – can, are, up, had

Group 2 – level, little, bottle, liquid, dial, detail.

Group 3 – impossible, rational, dental, pencil.

Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the fireworks display tomorrow.

From the year 2 team.