Friday, 10 March 2023

Hello everyone!

Wow, another very busy week in Year 2.

Firstly, the children as I am sure you would agree produced a fantastic assembly this morning. They projected their voices and used expression along with actions, well done Year 2.

The children had an amazing fun time at the snow centre on Tuesday.

On ‘Maths Day’ the children learnt the vertices, faces, surfaces and edges of  2D and 3D shapes and created shapes using straws, geoboards and 3D nets.

We also visited Christ Church and the children carried out lots of fun activities.

 Next week

In English the children will start their topic on non-chronological report. They will research sharks and gather notes along with writing facts for their report writing next week. 

In maths, the children will be learning patterns and strategies to 2s,3s, 5s and 10s-time tables. This will include recall and use of multiplication and division facts.

 Pre-learning: To practise recall of 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

In RE, the chlldren will sequence the Easter story.

In science, the children will complete a variety of exercises and discuss what happens to their body, heart beat and pulse.

In geography, we will be looking at the physical and human features of Cape Town. 

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – their, there, they’re

Group 2 – wasp, squash, swap, wander, watching, swan

Group 3 – wallet, swallow, squabble, quality

Mrs Chapman left today to have her bundle of joys and said she will be in touch. We look forward to seeing her and her gorgeous babies soon, ‘Happy Maternity Leave!’

Have a good weekend.

From the Year 2 team.