Friday, 28 April 2023

Hello everyone!

The children have worked extremely hard this week and they have enjoyed planting their sunflower seeds.

Next week, for English and maths the children will complete various activities on the topics taught so far, to help the children consolidate their learning in preparation for the SATS. We will particularly focus on fractions, time, shape and subtraction.

In History, the children will learn how Florence Nightingale improved the conditions at the Scutari hospital.

In D&T, the children will finish designing their moving car and start to collect their resources together what they will need.

In Science, the children will observe and discuss the seeds germinating. The children have planted sunflower seeds in pots and in plastic bags with cotton wool inside the classroom. Also, the children will write an instruction on ‘How to plant seeds’ using time adverbials and imperative verbs.

In RE, we will discuss our local community.

In PSHE, we will discuss friendship and identify some of the things that cause conflict with their friends.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – asked, saw, make, an.

Group 2 – happier, happiest, cried, crying, crier, copying, copied, copier.

Group 3 – reply, replied, replying, dried, drier, driest, drying.

The children have been practising their Irish dance for the Kings Coronation and they look forward to showing you next Friday at 2pm subject to weather.

Wishing you all a fun and hopefully sunny bank holiday weekend.

Mrs Beadle and Mrs Blatch

Friday, 21 April 2023

Happy Friday!

The children have worked extremely hard this week using their writing skills to write about a favourite day during the holidays. They have also completed a previous SATS paper working in a small group to support each other and share different methods to solve the calculations.

Next week, for English and maths the children will complete the SATS papers from 2022. This will be carried out either together as a class or in pairs to help prepare them for the questions, that they will be asked. 

In History, the children will use their notes from the last weeks lesson and write full sentences explaining who Florence Nightingale is and where she lived.

In D&T, the children will design their moving car and create a list of the resources they will need.

In science, the children will plant their sunflower seeds and cress.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – by, day, made. time

Group 2 – bottle, muddle, little, tickle, apple, puddle

Group 3 – squirrel, parcel, angel, parallel

We are starting to collect a selection of boxes for our D&T topic. If you have any small cardboard boxes at home, please could your child bring them into school for their moving vehicle.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Beadle and Mrs Blatch

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Hello, everyone and I hope you all are enjoying the Easter break.

Please see below is a brief insight of the topics we will be covering next term.

Maths - during the first couple of weeks, the children will complete the arithmetic and reasoning SATS papers 2022. We will analyse the questions and choose different methods to help solve the calculations. Our topic is fractions-finding halves, quarters and thirds of amounts, shapes and quantities and geometry, learning the properties of 2-D and 3-D shape.

English - over the first couple of weeks, the children will complete a practise SATS 2022 paper. This will include 2 reading papers along with grammar, punctuation and spelling. We will look and discuss the questions to check for understanding and how to respond to the questions. Our topics we will also cover are instruction, poetry along with our take one book ‘The owl who is afraid of the dark’.

Science -our topic is plants.

History - our topic is Florence Nightingale.

RE - we will start with showing care and concern. The children will be involved with discussion on how faith stories guide people and how we live together when we are all different.

D&T - our topic is mechanisms; wheels and axles. The children will create a moving vehicle.

  If you have any small cardboard boxes at home, please could your child bring them into school for their moving vehicle. 

PSHE - our topic is relationships. The children will discuss how to make friends, solve friendship problems and respect each other.

I hope you enjoy the remainder of the Easter break and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.

Mrs Beadle

Sunday, 2 April 2023

 Hello everyone, 

Mrs Chapman would like to share a photo of her gorgeous twins who arrived into the world on Friday.

Ella Rose Chapman - 5 pounds 9 oz     Time 11.09
Harry John Chapman - 5 pounds 1 oz    Time 11.07