Friday, 28 April 2023

Hello everyone!

The children have worked extremely hard this week and they have enjoyed planting their sunflower seeds.

Next week, for English and maths the children will complete various activities on the topics taught so far, to help the children consolidate their learning in preparation for the SATS. We will particularly focus on fractions, time, shape and subtraction.

In History, the children will learn how Florence Nightingale improved the conditions at the Scutari hospital.

In D&T, the children will finish designing their moving car and start to collect their resources together what they will need.

In Science, the children will observe and discuss the seeds germinating. The children have planted sunflower seeds in pots and in plastic bags with cotton wool inside the classroom. Also, the children will write an instruction on ‘How to plant seeds’ using time adverbials and imperative verbs.

In RE, we will discuss our local community.

In PSHE, we will discuss friendship and identify some of the things that cause conflict with their friends.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – asked, saw, make, an.

Group 2 – happier, happiest, cried, crying, crier, copying, copied, copier.

Group 3 – reply, replied, replying, dried, drier, driest, drying.

The children have been practising their Irish dance for the Kings Coronation and they look forward to showing you next Friday at 2pm subject to weather.

Wishing you all a fun and hopefully sunny bank holiday weekend.

Mrs Beadle and Mrs Blatch