Hello everyone!
Wow, this week has flown by, I can't believe it's Friday again!
The children have completed both English comprehension papers and next week they will complete two maths papers, grammar and spelling papers. ( The children will think it is another practise paper to help with my planning so they are unaware and will not worry).
Next week
English, we will start our class book on 'The owl who was afraid of the dark'. The children will create a sense poem including adjectives and write a good memory that they can remember in the dark.
Maths, lessons will be centred on revision.
History, the children will role play the differences in medical care today and in Victorian times.
Science the children will observe and discuss the growth in their sunflowers.
PSHE, we will be discussing friendships.
D&T, the children will make the wooden frame (chassis) for their moving vehicles.
Spellings will start next week, once SATS has finished.
Just a reminder, it is walk to school week. Please encourage your child to walk/scooter/cycle to school.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Beadle and Mrs Blatch