Friday, 29 September 2023

Hello everyone, the children have worked extremely hard this week.

In English the children enjoyed performing Rapunzel, they also compared the original story to the modern version using adjectives and expanded noun phrases.

Next week, the children will write a recount on events from a known story and include conjunctions and verbs.

 In maths, the children ordered and compared numbers along with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Next week, we will start out new topic on addition and subtractions with solving calculations using number bonds.

Next week


The children will continue to find out how various objects are made and carryout an experiment to understand that some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.


Mr Berridge who attended Little Heath School will visit the class and talk about the history of the school. (Unfortunately, he was unable to visit us last week)


The children will draw the original entrance of the school using their shading skills.


The children will continue to explore religious symbols.

Thursday is poetry day, the children will produce an acrostic poem.

Friday is Harvest Festival and our slot is 9.30-10.00, we look forward to seeing you all.

Spellings for next Friday are:

 Group 1: they, on, she, is.

Group 2: bridge, sledge, budge, nudge, strange, change.

Group 3: porridge, footbridge, drawbridge.

 Have a great weekend

The Year 2 team

Friday, 22 September 2023

Good afternoon to all,

We have had another action-packed week with lots of fun activities.

In English, the children enjoyed using their imagination creating their own list poem of ‘Ten things found in a Wizard’s pocket’.

Next week, we will start our topic on Traditional Tales. The children will compare the story of Rapunzel the original and modern version and make inferences.

 In maths, the children worked very hard solving missing numbers on a number line to 100.

Next week, the children will estimate, order and compare numbers along with counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Next week


The children will find out how various objects are made and carryout an experiment to understand that some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.


Mr Berridge who attended Little Heath School will visit the class and talk about the history of the school.


The children will create an observational drawing using their new shading skills.


The children will explore religious symbols.


 Spellings for next Friday are:

 Group 1: of, it, was, you.

Group 2: poor, floor, door, fine, mind, behind.

Group 3: because, after, when, that.


Home Learning - to write about your favourite reading book. 

Please include the following : the title and the author of your book. What is the book about? What is your favourite part of the story and why? Did you enjoy the ending? If not what ending would you write instead and draw a picture. 

To be handed in please by 19thOctober.

Have a great weekend

The Year 2 team


Friday, 15 September 2023


We have had a brilliant week; the children have worked very hard, well done everyone!

In English, the children have focused on their handwriting and they are starting to form their letters correctly along with creating a list of adjectives for their Autumn list poem.

Next week, the children will finish their Autumn poem and create and learn the poem ‘Ten things found in a Wizard’s pocket’ and create their own list poem.

 In maths, the children enjoyed using base ten to solve calculations.

Next week, the children will partition numbers to 100 and find the missing numbers on a number line. 

Next week


We will identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials by exploring the purposes of different objects inside and outside of the classroom.


We will research why the symbol of water is an important religious symbol.


We will continue to learn and compare what schooling was like over 100 years ago.


The children will use the iPads and complete numbots activities.


Spelling test will be on Friday mornings, the children can choose their group along with learning both/all groups if they want to.

 Group 1 – said, in, he, I.

Group 2 – hear, here, by, bye, whole, hole.

Group 3 – allowed, aloud, boy, buoy.

Have a lovely weekend.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 8 September 2023

Hello, we have had a fun and busy first week back. The children are all settling very well into their new routine.

They have very much enjoyed drawing different shells, using their new shading skills they learnt this week to add more detail.

Throughout the week, the children have been practising their handwriting along with completing numerous maths activities.

Next week

English – we will look at and discuss various list poems and the children will create an Autumn list poem.

Maths – the topic is place value. The children will use a place value chart and partition numbers to 100.

Science – we will discuss the properties of different materials and the children will create a collage using natural materials.

RE – we will discuss religion and religious symbols.

Art – to continue to create detailed shells for our wall display and create a marble background.

History – we will discuss the history of our school and look at old photographs and logbooks.

PSHE – circle time discussing hopes and fears for the year.

ICT- the children will develop their familiarity of the keyboard.


Spelling test will be on Friday mornings, the children can choose their group along with learning both or all groups if they want to.

 Group 1 – the, and, a, to.

Group 2 – sea, see, blue, blew, be, bee.

Group 3 - flour, flower, bear, bare.


Wishing you a great sunny weekend,

Mrs Beadle

Friday, 1 September 2023

Hello and welcome to Year 2!

I hope you have had an amazing summer break.

This is a brief message to let you know that the first couple of days will be settling into Year 2, learning where the resources are in the classroom and completing lots of getting to know you fun activities.

Please see below a brief insight of the topics we will be covering for next term.


List poetry and traditional tales.


Securing fluency to 20, regrouping, subtraction and place value.


Uses of everyday materials.


History of the school.


Observational drawings.


Being me in my world.


Develop familiarity with computer and keyboard.


Expressing religious meaning.

PE timetable:

Monday – change of footwear.

Wednesday and Friday - full PE kit. Please remember to label every piece of clothing along with footwear.

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

Enjoy your weekend,

Mrs Beadle