Friday, 8 September 2023

Hello, we have had a fun and busy first week back. The children are all settling very well into their new routine.

They have very much enjoyed drawing different shells, using their new shading skills they learnt this week to add more detail.

Throughout the week, the children have been practising their handwriting along with completing numerous maths activities.

Next week

English – we will look at and discuss various list poems and the children will create an Autumn list poem.

Maths – the topic is place value. The children will use a place value chart and partition numbers to 100.

Science – we will discuss the properties of different materials and the children will create a collage using natural materials.

RE – we will discuss religion and religious symbols.

Art – to continue to create detailed shells for our wall display and create a marble background.

History – we will discuss the history of our school and look at old photographs and logbooks.

PSHE – circle time discussing hopes and fears for the year.

ICT- the children will develop their familiarity of the keyboard.


Spelling test will be on Friday mornings, the children can choose their group along with learning both or all groups if they want to.

 Group 1 – the, and, a, to.

Group 2 – sea, see, blue, blew, be, bee.

Group 3 - flour, flower, bear, bare.


Wishing you a great sunny weekend,

Mrs Beadle