Good afternoon,
This week, in English the children
wrote an explanation text on how to fly a kite and how a pencil sharpener
In maths, we looked at 2D and 3D
shapes along with line of symmetry.
In RE, the children enjoyed learning
about Hanukkah the Jewish festival of light.
In geography, the children compared
UK and Kenya and discuss whether they lived in a hot and cold country.
In science, the children chose what
materials would be best suited to create a rocket.
Next week
English - the children will learn
their lines using expression and practise on the stage for our Christmas show -
Lights, Camel, Action!
Maths – we will continue our topic on
shape looking at the faces, edges and vertices of 3D shapes.
D&T – to decorate and complete
our Christmas stockings.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 – went, was, said, are
Group 2 – race, ice, once, settle,
site, city
Group 3 – circle, celery, cycle,
Cinderella, face
Have a great weekend.
From the Year 2 team.