Sunday, 12 November 2023


In English next week we will discuss how to write an explanation, which will be centred, on how to make a bicycle move and what is a bicycle. The children will also be practising their lines and songs for the Christmas show along with starting to use expression.

In maths next week, the children will solve missing number problems and complete the end of unit assessment.

Throughout the week, the children will start to sew and create their Christmas stocking.

It is anti-bullying week next week, on Monday the children can come to school wearing odd socks, this is a great way to celebrate what makes us all unique.

On Friday, it is Children in Need - the children can wear something spotty to school.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – my, her, what, out.

Group 2 – wing, sting, thing, mother, climb, crumb.

Group 3 – mostly, motion, mirror.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Mrs Beadle