Friday, 26 January 2024

Hello everyone!

The children have worked extremely hard producing their own story on The Three Billy Goats Gruff; they created their own recurring sentences and including adjectives, exclamation and question marks.

In maths, the children enjoyed solving problems solving using coins and pounds.

Next week

English - we will be focusing on the story The Enormous Turnip and changing the characters and the recurring sentences.

Maths – we are starting our new topic on multiplication and division.

Home learning

To learn the 2, 5 and 10 times tables up to 12. We will also be revising these times tables in class over the next few weeks.

Science – to discuss what they would take on a trip to Mars to survive.

History – to find out about Samuel Pepys and his diary.

RE – to discuss and think about why religious places are special to people and how they help them to feel close to God.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 - them, do, me, down.
Group 2 - shine, shiny, scare, scary, bone, bony, stone, stony, smoke, smoky.
Group 3 - chimney, valley, alley, money.

Have a great weekend

From the Year 2 team