Friday, 19 April 2024

Hello everyone and I hope you all had a lovely Easter break.

The children have settled very quickly into the daily routine, they have worked extremely hard in all their lessons and especially on their handwriting and letter formation.

Please see below an insight of the topics being taught this term.

English – we will start with our take one book ‘The owl who is afraid of the dark’, which the children are already enjoying, followed by poetry and instructions.

Maths – our topics are fractions and time.

Science -our topic is plants.

History - our topic is Florence Nightingale.

RE - we will start with showing care and concern. The children will be involved with discussion on how faith stories guide people and how we live together when we are all different.

D&T - our topic is mechanisms; wheels and axles. The children will create a moving vehicle.

  If you have any small cardboard boxes at home (shoe box or smaller), please could your child bring them into school for their moving vehicle. 

PSHE - our topic is relationships. The children will discuss how to make friends, solve friendship problems and respect each other.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – by, day, made. time

Group 2 – bottle, muddle, little, tickle, apple, puddle

Group 3 – squirrel, parcel, angel, parallel

Wishing you a great weekend.

From the Year 2 team.