Friday 14 June 2024

 Hello everyone!

This week the children have worked extremely hard on their Hokusai pictures and produced excellent detailed  paintings using powder and water paints.

In English, the children completed two KS1 reading papers which they enjoyed and believe it was to help me with my planning.

Next week, in English the children will create a myth story.

In maths, the children completed numerous practice SATS questions.

Next week, the children will complete the KS1 SATS papers ( the children are unaware of the tests,  I will tell them it is to support my planning for the remainder of the year).

Reminders for next week

Wednesday from 6.30 it is Talent Night.

Thursday is sports day - KS1 will start at 9.15am.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 - that, with, all, we

Group 2 - core, door, saucer, saw, born, straw

Group 3 - store, flooring, shawl, yawn, haunted

Have a great and hopefully sunny weekend,

From the Year 2 team.