Happy Friday everyone!
In English, the children have worked extremely hard on their story which was from
Goldilocks’s point of view.
In maths, the children have been solving addition and subtraction
calculations using base 10 equipment, cherry and bar models.
Next week
English – the children will practising for their Christmas performance.
Maths – we will start our new topic on shapes, looking at 2D and 3D
PSHE – reinforce how we work together, the children will create
friendship tokens
D&T – to decorate their Christmas stockings – children can
bring in items to decorate their Christmas stocking if they wish to.
Geography – we will find out what life is like in a hot place, investigate the local weather conditions and identify features of hot and cold places.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 – of, but, this, went, to.
Group 2 – cottage, house, bowls, suddenly, very, every, woods, baby,
first, after, then, finally.
Have a lovely weekend
From the Year 2 team.