Friday, 31 January 2025

Happy Friday!

In English the children have worked extremely hard researching and writing notes on facts for their non-chronological report on bears.

Next week, the children will write their notes up into full sentences including correct punctuation and conjunctions. We will also start to read our new class book on Minpins by Roald Dahl and create command sentences.

In maths, we finished our topic on money and have started learning grouping and ungrouping on multiplication and division.

Next week, we will be looking at arrays to solve multiplication calculations. On Friday, it is maths day and the children will work collaboratively in small groups to solve numerous maths challenges.

In D&T our topic is on healthy food, this Thursday the children will be creating fruit kebabs. (The children do not need to bring in any fruit for this lesson, the school will provide this)

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – this, boy, into, the.

Group 2 – when, it’s, child, children, find, hold, only, told.

Group 3 – Mr, Mrs, people, clothes.

Please could you let me know if you can help out on either the morning or afternoon for our Great Fire of London day on Tuesday 25th February.

Reading – following on from the letters received last week on our new Little Wandle reading scheme, please see inside your child’s reading record for the eBook username and password. I have written the title of the book your child has read this week in small groups. Please could your child re read this book as we are trying to build fluency. They will also continue to receive their banded chosen book.

Wishing you a great weekend

From the Year 2 team


Friday, 24 January 2025

Hello everyone!

The children have worked extremely hard producing their own story creating a different monster/creature centred on ‘The bear under the stairs’. They created sentences in their neatest handwriting and included adjectives, exclamation and question marks.

In maths, the children re visited coins and pound notes, we looked at how many different ways using different coins there could be to make the same amount along with solving problem calculations incorporating change.

Next week

English – the children will distinguish between fact and fiction relating to bears and research and create notes on bears on- What do they look like? Where do they live? What do they eat?

Maths – we are starting our new topic on multiplication and division. We will start with recognising equal groups, making and adding equal groups and later on in the week looking at multiplication sentences.

Home learning

To learn or discuss the 2, 5 and 10 times tables up to 10. We will also be revising these times tables in class over the next few weeks.

Science – to discuss what they would take on a trip to Mars to survive.

History – to find out about Samuel Pepys and his diary.

RE – to discuss and think about why religious places are special to people and how they help them to feel close to God

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 - who, any, door, and

Group 2 – bath, behind, children, pass, fast, grass, move

Group 3 – sure, steak, sugar, people, prove

Have a great weekend

Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon and Mrs Blatch



Friday, 17 January 2025

Good afternoon to all,

In English, the children wrote and replied to a letter in role as a character. Next week, the children will write their own story centred on our class book ‘The bear under the stairs’. They will include adjectives and exclamation marks.

In maths, we have been looking at money and the children have solved maths problems using addition and subtraction with coins and pounds this topic will continue next week.

Home learning – to play shops with real/toy money. I have mentioned to the children that they can otherwise make their own money from paper.

 In science, the children drew a picture of how an animal changes as it grows. Next week, the children will describe and draw pictures of the stages from a baby to an adult.

 In D&T, we have discussed healthy eating and next week, the children will continue to draw a detailed fruit kebab and research where their fruit is grown (trees, bushes, vines or plants).

 In history, the children learnt the events of the Great Fire and next week the children will find out why the fire spread so quickly and stayed alight for so long.

 Spellings for next Friday are-

Group 1 – won, son, come, some.

Group 2 – month, done, other, brother, mother, love

Group 3 – front, honey, monkey, glove

Have a great weekend

From Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon and Mrs Blatch

Friday, 10 January 2025

Happy New Year everyone!

The children have settled extremely well back into the daily routine. 

They have enjoyed learning the story of ‘The bear under the stairs’ which we will continue next week. The children wrote about a real life experience of something that scared them. In maths, the children have enjoyed learning money, solving calculations using different coins and notes.

Please see below the lessons for next week and an insight of the topics we will cover in this term.

English - our book is ‘The bear under the stairs’ by Helen Cooper. The children next week, will write a letter in role as a character and create a reply. We will also be looking at the different graphemes for the grapheme ‘air’.

Maths - the topic is on money. Next week, they will be counting, comparing and calculating sums using notes and coins.

Science - our topic is animals, including humans. The children will discuss and observe that animals, including humans have offspring, which grow into adults, by describing the changes to animals as they grow.

History - the topic is on the Great Fire of London. We will start the topic by introducing where and when the Great Fire of London started.

D&T - the topic is preparing fruit and vegetables. The children will discuss fruit and vegetables and investigate a variety of fruit and vegetables to understand where a range of fruit and vegetables come from.

ICT – our topic is robot algorithms. The children will give instructions and then explain what happens when we change the order of instructions and they will design and test their algorithm.

PSHE - the topic is Dreams and Goals, encouraging the children to stay motivated when doing something challenging. The children will identify their successes and know how this makes them feel proud.

RE - the children will be learning different ways of giving thanks to God. They will discuss where they like to go that is special to you. The children will discuss and draw their special place. Within the term, we hope to be able to visit Little Heath Christ Church.

On Tuesday 25th February, we will have a workshop and actors visiting us on our history topic The Great Fire of London. We do require parent helpers please either for the morning, afternoon or all day to support us with the activities. Please let me know if you available. 

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – to, two, one, won

Group 2 – here, hear quite, quiet see, sea. be, bee, blue, blew, night, knight

Extn: there/their/they’re

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon and Mrs Blatch