Good afternoon to all,
In English, the children wrote and replied to a
letter in role as a character. Next week, the children will write their own
story centred on our class book ‘The bear under the stairs’. They will include
adjectives and exclamation marks.
In maths, we
have been looking at money and the children have solved maths problems using
addition and subtraction with coins and pounds this topic will continue next
Home learning – to play shops with real/toy money. I have mentioned to the children that they can
otherwise make their own money from paper.
science, the children drew a picture of how an animal changes as it grows. Next
week, the children will describe and draw pictures of the stages from a baby to
an adult.
D&T, we have discussed healthy eating and next week, the children will continue
to draw a detailed fruit kebab and research where their fruit is grown (trees,
bushes, vines or plants).
history, the children learnt the events of the Great Fire and next week the
children will find out why the fire spread so quickly and stayed alight for so
Spellings for next Friday
Group 1 – won, son, come, some.
Group 2 – month, done, other,
brother, mother, love
Group 3 – front, honey, monkey,
Have a great weekend
From Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon
and Mrs Blatch