Hello everyone!
The children have worked
extremely hard producing their own story creating a different monster/creature
centred on ‘The bear under the stairs’. They created sentences in their neatest
handwriting and included adjectives, exclamation and question marks.
In maths, the children re
visited coins and pound notes, we looked at how many different ways using
different coins there could be to make the same amount along with solving problem
calculations incorporating change.
Next week
English – the children will
distinguish between fact and fiction relating to bears and research and create
notes on bears on- What do they look like? Where do they live? What do they
Maths – we are starting our new
topic on multiplication and division. We will start with recognising equal
groups, making and adding equal groups and later on in the week looking at
multiplication sentences.
To learn
or discuss the 2, 5 and 10 times tables up to 10. We will also be revising
these times tables in class over the next few weeks.
Science – to discuss what they
would take on a trip to Mars to survive.
History – to find out about
Samuel Pepys and his diary.
RE – to discuss and think about
why religious places are special to people and how they help them to feel close
to God
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 - who, any, door, and
Group 2 – bath, behind, children, pass, fast, grass, move
Group 3 – sure, steak, sugar, people, prove
Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon and Mrs Blatch