Friday, 28 February 2025

Happy Friday!

We had a great week and a fantastic workshop on the Great Fire of London, the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and thank you parents and carers very much for all the support. I will upload the photos and put them on a separate blog over the weekend.

Next week

English – the children will plan their own story based on the Minpins changing the main character and monster.

Maths -  we will finish our topic on multiplication and division using 2, 5 and 10.

Geography -  we will start our new topic on ‘Life in the city’. We will start with identifying the geographical characteristics of the UK and locate some of the world’s most amazing places.

RE -  we will discuss the Lord’s Prayer

PSHE - we will discuss healthy lifestyle choices and learn ideas on how to relax.

Art - the children will learn about the artist Pablo Picasso and practise mixing colours.

Next week is Science week and the children will participate in a workshop Thursday afternoon.

Friday is World Book Day and an author will be visiting our school!

Spellings for next Friday are:

there, they’re, their.

ankle, table, bottle, little, apple, pebble, middle, eagle, bobble.


In Year 2, we have been working on developing our independent skills, and we would like to extend this to the start of the school day.

From Monday, 3rd March, we encourage the children to enter the classroom on their own, allowing them to hang up their coats and get ready for the day independently. This will help build their confidence and sense of responsibility.

If you need to speak with me, please feel free to email me and we can arrange a convenient time to talk.

Please support your child with this transition, as it is an important part of their development.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Wishing you a fun, sunny weekend,

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Happy Friday!

The children have worked extremely hard writing sentences using verbs and suffixes along with describing and creating their monsters using magic clay.

The children solved numerous maths calculations grouping and sharing using multiplication and division with counters and cubes.

We had a fun morning at Little Heath Church, please see photos taken below:

Please find below a brief outline of the topics the children will be covering over the next term.


We will be continuing our topic on The Minpins by Roald Dhal creating information reports and postcards. Our next book will be The Owl and the Pussy-cat by Edward Lear and the children will create letters, lists and instructions.


Continuing our topic on multiplication and division then we will at start a new topic on length, height, capacity and temperature.


Animals including humans continued.


Life in the city.


Healthy me.


The Lord’s Prayer, The Easter Story, Shabbat and Passover.


Data and information - Pictograms


Pablo Picasso, the children will research the artist and recreate one of the paintings by cutting shapes with coloured card.

Reminder: The Great Fire of London workshop will take place on Tuesday, 25th February. We kindly ask that the children come dressed in period-style clothing. Here are some suggestions:

Boys: A plain t-shirt (with or without a collar), a belt or cord tied around the waist, a plain waistcoat (if available), and a flat cap (if you have one). School trousers should be tucked into their socks.

Girls: A plain white collared shirt, a long plain skirt or dress in black, brown, or dark blue, and a plain waistcoat (if available). An apron or a white pillowcase can be used, and a piece of white fabric tied around the head to cover the hair.

Home Learning – the children can choose a country to research and write some facts on the following: their capital city, language, surrounding countries, someone famous, a famous landmark and any other facts if they wish to. An A4 or A3 size would be perfect, as I would like these to be displayed in the classroom.

Please could their home learning be completed by Monday 31st March.

Wishing everyone one a fun and restful half term.

From the Year 2 team.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Happy Friday to everyone!

Today it was Maths Day and the children had fun working in small groups to solve various challenges and created a Maths T-shirt poster.

The children also had a great time creating and eating their fruit kebabs.

In English, the children finished their detailed non chronological report on ‘Bears’ which are displayed in the classroom.

Next week, the children will be creating Danger posters and character descriptions centred on our book ‘The Minpins’.

In maths, the children learnt to group using various objects and was introduced to division.

Next week, the children will be making equal groups - grouping and sharing and learning to divide by 2.

On Tuesday, we are visiting Christ Church in Little Heath. We will be discussing and carrying out activities on what we can see inside a church.

Next week is mental health and wellbeing; we will be carrying out various activities along with activities for safer internet day.

Spellings for Friday are:

Group 1 – come, into, it’s, big

Group 2 – knot, knit, knew, know, knee, knife

Group 3 – knock, knuckle, knight, gnome

Have a great weekend and we are sorry to say goodbye to Ava but wish her lots of luck in her new school.


Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon and Mrs Blatch