Happy Friday to everyone!
Today it was Maths Day and the children had fun working in small
groups to solve various challenges and created a Maths T-shirt poster.
The children also had a great time creating and eating their fruit
In English, the children finished their detailed non chronological
report on ‘Bears’ which are displayed in the classroom.
Next week, the children will be creating Danger posters and
character descriptions centred on our book ‘The Minpins’.
In maths, the children learnt to group using various objects and
was introduced to division.
Next week, the children will be making equal groups - grouping
and sharing and learning to divide by 2.
On Tuesday, we are visiting Christ
Church in Little Heath. We will be discussing and carrying out activities on
what we can see inside a church.
Next week is mental
health and wellbeing; we will be carrying out various activities along with
activities for safer internet day.
Spellings for Friday
Group 1 – come, into, it’s, big
Group 2 – knot, knit, knew, know, knee, knife
Group 3 – knock, knuckle, knight, gnome
Have a great weekend and we are sorry to say
goodbye to Ava but wish her lots of luck in her new school.
Mrs Beadle, Miss Russon and Mrs Blatch