Friday, 29 March 2019

Good afternoon all,

Where has this week gone, we have had a very busy week.

In English, the children have enjoyed learning facts on sharks for their report writing and next week they will create an A3 poster including all their information they have collected.

In maths, the children completed numerous different methods for their times tables and next week the children will be linking repeated additions and multiples along with exploring arrays.

In art, we are changing our display outside outside the classroom, the children will be creating detailed trees with blossom using shading pastels and water paints.

Spellings for next Friday are:;
Group 1: I'm, if, help, Mrs.
Group 2: Practise using dictionaries in class.

On Monday we are very lucky to be watching the KS2 production on 'Rock Bottom'.

Just a reminder we will be finishing school at 2pm for our Easter holidays.

Wishing you a sunny, fun weekend,
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 22 March 2019

Good afternoon,

Wow, the children produced an amazing performance this morning for their class assembly. I was extremely proud, they have grown in confidence I am sure you would agree.

In English the children have been researching sharks and have written facts for their report writing next week.

In maths the children learnt to halve and double two-digit numbers using a variety of methods.

Next week

In maths, the children will be learning patterns and strategies to 2s, 5s and 10s-time tables along with counting in 3s. This will include recall and use of multiplication and division facts.

Pre-learning: To practise recall of 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

In science, the children will be learning that medicines are harmful substances and to name the objects around the house that could be dangerous.

In RE, the children will be learning and researching, why does Shabbat have a special place in Jewish families?

In geography, we will continue to look at the local map and discuss key points and the key abbreviations also we will look at google earth and locate Potters Bar.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: by, day, made, time.
Group 2: no spellings, however the children will be practising dictionary skills in class.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 15 March 2019

Hello to all, wow this week has flown by !

Today in school was our Danceathon. The children thoroughly enjoyed dancing for an hour in total-so they have been given plenty of exercise and may be tired.

It has been science week which has given plenty of opportunities for investigative learning, including a workshop on materials. The children had to work collaboratively to investigate a variety of materials and to find out which materials were and were not waterproof. We also researched the scientist Alexander Graham Bell who invented the telephone.

Next week:

Maths, we will be doubling and halving numbers and coins.

English, we will start our topic on report writing. Our non-fiction book we will be centring our learning on will be 'sharks'.

Science, we will be describing the importance for humans of hygiene, by learning about good hygiene habits.

Art, we will be experimenting colours by mixing water paints.

Geography, we will be looking at local maps to locate where we live in detail along with understanding the symbols and key.

On Friday it is our Mufti Day and children are to bring in an Easter Egg this will be for the Easter Egg treasure hunt or tombola on Friday the 29th March.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: could, house, old, too.
Group 2: eyes, friends, grandad, than, better, across, really.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 8 March 2019

Good afternoon to all.

We had an amazing Great Fire of London day on Tuesday. I would like to particularly thank all our helpers for their time and support, we really could not have completed all the activities without you. The children carried out numerous tasks including role play and learnt a lot of exciting facts. The children all looked fantastic and were extremely well behaved. I did take lots of photographs and these will be displayed at our class assembly on Friday week, being the 22nd March at 9.00am.

On Thursday we had World Book Day, it was wonderful to see all the different fictional characters in school.  The children enjoyed sharing information on their character and as a class we read the book ‘Beegu’. The children created a detailed story board of their version of the story.

Next week is science week, the children will be learning about a scientist and attend a workshop on materials.


On Tuesday morning (10.30 to 12.00) the children will be having a science workshop as it is science week. If any of you are happy to volunteer to help run the workshop that would be very helpful.

Next week:

In English the children will be writing and practising for their class assembly.
In maths the children will continue with the topic on ‘time’. They will be estimating, ordering and comparing intervals of time.
In RE we will be sequencing the Easter story.

RED NOSE DAY- On Friday it is non-uniform in aid of Red Nose Day. The children are to bring in £1 to wear their own clothes. Little Heath will also be taking place in a dance-a-thon! Year 2 will be dancing in class from 11:00 – 11.30 and with the whole school at 14:15-14:45. 

Spellings for Friday are:
Group 1-their, people, your, put.
Group 2-action, fiction, section, position, reception, nation, solution, station.

Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle

Monday, 4 March 2019

Following my previous blog relating to Science week, our workshop is now on
Tuesday the 12th March from 10.30 to 12.00pm, if anyone is available to help during this time,
please let me know.
Thank you
Mrs Beadle

Friday, 1 March 2019

Hello, we have had a very busy, fun week back.

Next week

Continue looking at our class book, 15 Things not to be with a puppy, the children will create a poster advertising for a new friend. They will include suffixes, apostrophes and conjunctions along with practising forming their letters correctly.

The children will be telling the time to: o'clock, half past, quarter past and to. They will also practise to become fluent in the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.

The children will complete various exercises for a minute and record their pulse and heartbeat.

The children will identify the capital cities of the UK and where they live on a map.

We will discuss the Easter story.

Wednesday we have our visitors coming into school. The children will be carrying out various activities centred on the Great Fire of London. If you are a helper during the day, please feel free to dress up to!

Thursday it is World Book Day, children can wear their favourite book character and bring in their book.  We will be discussing the book 'Beegu'.

The following week is science week. On Thursday morning the 14th March, Year 2 have a workshop based on materials, the company would like some parent helpers to support the activities. Please could you let me know if you are available to attend.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: now, came, oh, about, got.
Group 2: careful careless, fearful, fearless, happy, happily, happiness, colour, colourful, colourless.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle