Good afternoon,
Wow, the children produced an amazing performance this morning
for their class assembly. I was extremely proud, they have grown in confidence
I am sure you would agree.
In English the children have been researching sharks and have
written facts for their report writing next week.
In maths the children learnt to halve and double two-digit
numbers using a variety of methods.
Next week
In maths, the children will be learning patterns and
strategies to 2s, 5s and 10s-time tables along with counting in 3s. This will
include recall and use of multiplication and division facts.
Pre-learning: To
practise recall of 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
In science, the children will be learning that medicines are
harmful substances and to name the objects around the house that could be
In RE, the children will be learning and researching, why
does Shabbat have a special place in Jewish families?
In geography, we will continue to look at the local map and
discuss key points and the key abbreviations also we will look at google earth and
locate Potters Bar.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: by, day, made, time.
Group 2: no spellings, however the children will be practising
dictionary skills in class.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle