Friday, 1 March 2019

Hello, we have had a very busy, fun week back.

Next week

Continue looking at our class book, 15 Things not to be with a puppy, the children will create a poster advertising for a new friend. They will include suffixes, apostrophes and conjunctions along with practising forming their letters correctly.

The children will be telling the time to: o'clock, half past, quarter past and to. They will also practise to become fluent in the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables.

The children will complete various exercises for a minute and record their pulse and heartbeat.

The children will identify the capital cities of the UK and where they live on a map.

We will discuss the Easter story.

Wednesday we have our visitors coming into school. The children will be carrying out various activities centred on the Great Fire of London. If you are a helper during the day, please feel free to dress up to!

Thursday it is World Book Day, children can wear their favourite book character and bring in their book.  We will be discussing the book 'Beegu'.

The following week is science week. On Thursday morning the 14th March, Year 2 have a workshop based on materials, the company would like some parent helpers to support the activities. Please could you let me know if you are available to attend.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: now, came, oh, about, got.
Group 2: careful careless, fearful, fearless, happy, happily, happiness, colour, colourful, colourless.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle