Friday, 8 November 2019


In English, the children learnt how to write an explanation text. We looked at a variety of texts and discussed the layout and present tense. The children created their own explanation text on how to work a pencil sharpener.

Next week, the children will write an explanation text showing the stages and process of riding a bicycle along with a labelled diagram and flow chart on how bicycles move.

In maths the children learnt to re-balance when adding and subtracting numbers by 9 and 11.

Next week, the children will recall number bonds and add and subtract using multiples of 10 within measure.

In geography the children learnt what a city is and identified some major capital cities around the world.

Next week they will explore the features of a city.

In science the children enjoyed investigating and observing the changes in ice.

Next week the children will learn what Charles Macintosh created.

In RE, we will discuss the celebration of Hanukkah.

Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1: can, are, up, had.
Group 2: to, too, two, fast, last, past.

On Tuesday we will be having an 'Odd Socks' day for anti-bullying day, so the children may come to school in crazy wacky odd socks.

On Friday the 16th of November we will be supporting Children in Need. We will also be holding a non-uniform and crazy hair day in exchange for £1 on Friday in aid of Children in Need.
Have a great weekend
Mrs Beadle