Friday, 31 January 2020

Hello to all, we have had another very busy, fun, active week in Year 2.

In English the children wrote their own version of The Enormous Turnip, they used their imagination and created a very different detailed version.
Next week, the children will be writing shape poems. They will be looking at calligrams and acoustic poems centred on The Great Fire of London.

In maths the children used bar modelling to solve their problems.
Next week, the children will be solving maths problems with addition and subtraction applying their knowledge of metal and written methods.

In science the children identified healthy and unhealthy foods and created a healthy eating power point.
Next week, the children will research carbohydrates, protein, fruit and vegetables.

In history the children enjoyed learning and researching Samuel Pepys, they created a mind map and wrote sentences following what they had learnt.

On Thursday we have our visitors coming into school. The children will be carrying out various activities centred on the Great Fire of London. If you are a helper during the day, please feel free to dress up to!

Please could the children complete the following pages by next Thursday:
Maths workbook pages 3 and 4.
English workbook pages 6 and 7.

Spelling for next Friday are:
Group 1 – dad, big, when, it’s.
Group 2 – wrist, write, written, wrote, wrong, wrinkle, writing.
Group 3 – wreckage, wriggled, wristband.

Wishing you a great weekend,
Mrs Beadle