Hello to all, we have had a great week. The children have worked extremely hard creating their own version of 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff', they have included recurring language and exclamation marks.
In maths the children enjoyed learning and discussing a variety of block graphs,pictograms and tally charts.
Next week
English - the children will learn and sequence the story of 'The Enormous Turnip'. We will be looking at the recurring language, grammar and punctuation.
Maths - the children will add 2-digit numbers and tens grouping and re grouping using concrete resources and pictorial representations.
Science - we will be discussing healthy eating.
D&T - the children will chop up their chosen fruit and create a fruit kebab.
History - the children will find out why the fire spread so quickly and stayed alight for so long.
Spellings for next Friday are:
Group 1 - as, no, mum, one.
Group 2 - I'm, I've, let's, can't, it's, I'll, didn't, who's.
Group 3 - they're, couldn't, hasn't, we've.
Inside your child's book bag is a KS1 English comprehension booklet.
Please could your child complete pages 2 and 3, and return the booklet by Thursday for me to mark. Your child may require support in reading the text and questions.
Have a fun weekend,
Mrs Beadle