Friday, 16 October 2020

Good afternoon to all.

This week the children have worked very hard creating their own traditional tales which they are very proud of and enjoyed sharing with the class.

In maths, the children completed numerous sums regrouping to tens with addition and subtraction using the tens frames and coins.

Next week

English- the children will learn about the story of ‘Anancy and Mr Dry-Bone’ they will be involved in lots of discussion and will create a list of the characters including adjectives.

Maths- the children will be regrouping 2-digit numbers using different representations.

History – the children will be learning about Mary Seacole and will write some interesting facts.

RE- we will discuss why water, light and tree are an important symbol in the Hindu religion.

Science- the children will draw and label the parts of a tree and research different types of trees.

PSHE – the children will create a class charter.

Art – the children will draw Mary Seacole using their shading skills.

Spellings for next Friday are:

Group 1 – that, with, all, we.

Group 2 – can, nail, neck, find, into, another.

Group 3 – gnome, many, own, know.

Please could the children also complete at least 20 minutes of mathseeds or mathletics.

I am looking forward to the telephone Parent-teacher consultations on Monday the 19th of October. If you haven't booked your slot yet, please remember to book one. If you are unable to talk to me on the day, please email me so we can arrange an alternative date.

Enjoy the weekend!

From theYear 2 team.